shunt dysfunction assessment*

* based on preliminary analysis of a dataset of 35 subjects focused on shunt dysfunction diagnosis.


  • Non-Invasive Monitoring: Offers a safe, quick, and patient-friendly approach for point-of-care assessments.
  • Real-time Trends: ICP dynamics over positional changes using changes in intracranial pressure (ICP) waveform parameters.
  • Individualized: personalized information to your non-invasive toolkit
  • Support Decisions: Provides additional data to aid in shunt dysfunction analysis.

Ideal patient

Patients with suspicion of shunt dysfunction.


Monitor ICP dynamics in three distinct positions

  • Laying down – for 5 min
  • Supine 30 degrees – for 5 min
  • Standing up – for 5 min
  • Note shunt type, position and revisions

Relevant information to include as observations in the mobile App.

  • Sensor and patient position
  • Sensor and patient positioning events (displacement, excessive movement,
    loss of waveform after positionings, etc…)
  • Any relevant symptoms and observations (headache increased when changing position)

Data interpretation*

  • Stable ΔP2/P1 ratio, a variation of less than 0.3 points during positional changes suggest shunt proper function
  • Unstable ΔP2/P1 ratio, a variation of more than 0.3 points during positional changes suggest shunt dysfunction where:
    • Underdrainage – high P2/P1 average ratios (> 1.3) and high maximum P2/P1 ratio of up to 1.5
    • Overdrainage – ΔP2/P1 variation of more than 0.4 points between positional changes and significant P2/P1 ratio drops with worsening of symptoms when transitioning from lying to standing